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Ensure your business sustainability goals & create a climate change !

Solar panel solutions for your need!

At Vikram Solar USA, we focus on having a unique set of high efficiency & technologically advanced solar PV panels to offer solar solutions to our I&C partners, rather than following ‘one size fits all’ approach. We do not standardize solar panels but customize as per the requirement. Our global track record across several verticals testifies to our commitment to offer customized solutions with great results.

Providing Installation Partners and Systems Integrators the best best suited solar panels.

We always put our effort in understanding our client's business and needs

We focus on innovation, always updated on the future and current technology trends

We engage dedicated techno-commercial teams with an energetic and pro-active attitude

We believe in continuous brainstorming with a transparent communication flow with I&C partners & System Integrators

Your solar plant will pay for itself and more!

At Vikram Solar US we understand the importance of ROI & payback period for a commercial & industrial project set up with Vikram Solar panels for USA. Therefore Vikram Solar USA always ideates, advises and implements best in class solar modules, recommending equipment to best match the needs to maintain higher generation of clean energy for decades.

High Wp panels for all C&I needs!

We are your ‘one stop shop’ for all solar panel solutions!

  • Hassle free selection of the right PV panels of different technology & cell types.
  • High Wp & efficiency modules with latest technology.
  • Globally recognized, a bankable & reliable solar panel manufacturing company.
  • Assured availability.

This means with Vikram Solar US solar panels you save time, money, and energy reliability for decades, while saying no to stress and mistakes!

Tax Credits

Going solar for C&I segment is a smart business decision as with financing and incentives, customers have a better cash flow flexibility. Few states have robust incentive programs for going solar. Massachusetts has one of the strongest solar incentive programs in the country. In addition, In addition federal ITC which is 26 % and low-interest solar loans contribute to a positive cash flow.

Long warranty on solar panels ensuring reliability

We provide 12 years of product warranty & 27/30 years of performance warranty for our bifacial & monofacial panels. Also, our solar PV panels are included in the PVEL Reliability Scorecard for the last 4 out of 5 years, assuring bankability and ensuring reliability.

At Vikram Solar US, a deal with us is a deal to create a climate for change!

As values and purposes such as climate improvement drive our business choices, we focus on building a sustainable relationship with our clients & project partners through offering quality solutions, customer centricity, and reliability!

Going solar reduces operating costs giving the business entity a power to reinvest the savings.

We feel that building a brighter future for all will need all of us to do our part. Our purpose is to help you achieve yours!



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